The Book
This book is available free from GitHub and written by Baptiste Pesquet.
- About this book
- Welcome to programming
- Introducing JavaScript
- Environment setup
- 3, 2, 1... Code!
- 2. Play with variables
- 3. Add conditions
- 4. Repeat statements
- 5. Write functions
- 6. Create your first objects
- 7. Store data in arrays
- 8. Work with strings
- 9. Understand object-oriented programming
- 10. Discover functional programming
- 11. Project: a social news program
- 12. What's a web page?
- 13. Discover the DOM
- 14. Traverse the DOM
- 15. Modify page structure
- 16. React to events
- 17. Manipulate forms
- 18. Animate elements
- 19. Project: a social news web page
- 20. Web development 101
- 21. Query a web server
- 22. Use web APIs
- 23. Send data to a web server
- 24. Discover Node.js
- 25. Create a web server
- 26. Project: a social news web app
- Summary and perspectives
- Acknowledgments
- Style guide {#style-guide}
- Play with variables